Dalene Brueggeman

Welcome to Lifelong Fitness where we believe exercise and movement increase the quality of your life!

Welcome to my website!

My name is Dalene and my love for health and fitness started when I was young. I've been active all of my life. Today, I’ve been fortunate to turn my passion into a profession where I get to help people feel their best.

​Since 2021 I’ve been working as a Certified Personal Trainer in beautiful Western Colorado, guiding my clients towards a healthier lifestyle. I understand from personal experience what it takes to meet different goals and how to do the exercises properly to achieve them. Due to my own physical issues that I have learned to work with, I have firsthand knowledge in many of those types of areas. 

​I help people in their 40s and beyond to stay fit and healthy, or get fit and healthy, to help with issues we tend to deal with as we get older.  Being fit and healthy helps increase our quality of life!

​Through working with a diverse group of clients, I’ve come to realize that everybody is unique, each with their own goals and lifestyle. That's why I've added online training for flexibiltiy and convenience.  I will construct a plan and training schedule according to your fitness experience and needs that will have you seeing results.